A Freedom of Information request reveals how much Manchester City Council gives to, and charges, Manchester Pride

You can see full details of the FOI request here. As you can see, even if we ignore the thousands of pounds that are charged for removal of rubbish, in four out of the last six years the City Council has clawed back in charges more than it gave the event. It gives with one A Freedom of Information request reveals how much Manchester City Council gives to, and charges, Manchester Pride

BBC Archive: the Gay Rights Movement Collection

The BBC Archive has put together a terrific page with 30 audio and video recordings about the ‘gay rights’ movement. They span more than 40 years — from 1957 to 2009. Quite a number are complete programmes that are more than 25 minutes long. What a great resource.

Misleading statistics and misconceptions about the gay community

Much of the gay world is driven by misleading statistics and misconceptions and rather ‘woolly’ thinking. This suits some people down to the ground. Facts and figures are exaggerated and misrepresented for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes due to ignorance and silliness or with the best of intentions. Other times deliberately for profit, to get Misleading statistics and misconceptions about the gay community