
My 18x internet speed increase

About ten days from now I should have a much-improved internet connection. For a number of years I’ve been on 1Mb broadband with UKOnline and have paid just under £10 per month. As I live in Manchester city centre, far faster broadband has been available to me for some time.

Ill with stress

We hear lots about stress in the workplace. When you’re effectively ‘trapped’ in a job and can’t escape the cause of the stress, it’s a terrible thing. But recently I’ve discovered that stress can creep up on you slowly and unexpectedly.

Sudden Mother’s Day email barrage

Two days ago it was the fourth anniversary of the death of my mum. Tonight, four emails within thirty minutes: Tesco: ‘spoil your Mum this Mother’s Day’ Kodak: ‘remember Mother’s Day’ Asda: ‘treat your Mum this Mother’s day’ ‘don’t keep mum about our great family history gifts’ One or two is fine but by Sudden Mother’s Day email barrage

g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007

UPDATE (October 2008): this podcast has ‘retired’ into the archives. I’ve left the production notes below. Chris joins me to talk about: * Queer Up North: Europe’s leading queer arts festival which starts here in Manchester in the next few days, with events throughout May. * Peter Tatchell * Our show Bargain Hunters: why we g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007

My Richard and Judy experience

Channel Four is in the news again over yet another possible scam. This time involving the You Say We Pay quiz on the Richard and Judy programme.