
Greg Palast on ‘The Fear Factory’

I’m going to tell you something which is straight-up heresy: America is not under attack by terrorists. There is no WAR on terror… Greg Palast on why fear sells better than sex and how The War on Terror is the Weapon of Mass Distraction. Read it here. Greg Palast’s investigative reports appear on the BBC, Greg Palast on ‘The Fear Factory’

Alternative Manchester Pride

If you’re tired of the commercialisation of our Pride event in Manchester, check out this. ‘An alternative queer carnival running counter current to the main pride parade, happening in Manchester on the 26th of August (the bank holiday weekend)- needs you! We are recruiting an army of old dears in twin sets and on soap Alternative Manchester Pride

The President who cried wolf

Jonathan Freedland of The Guardian says that hyping up the phantom threat from Iraq and invading that country has left Bush and Blair exposed and unable to act now that a ‘real menace’ has come along in the form of Iran… The problem is: Iran does pose a threat in every way Iraq did not.