
Conditional server side includes and cookies

I can’t write PHP or Javascript. I could learn, but I don’t have much interest. Most of my websites are good old-fashioned static HTML and I use server-side-includes a lot. I thought I would write, in simple terms, about some of ways I’ve used them.

Jessops sales plummet

The Guardian reports that sales at Jessops, Britain’s biggest photographic chain, have plummeted after losses of £70m in 2006.

BBC Springwatch swallows

I just managed to catch the young swallows leaving the nest on the BBC Springwatch live webcam. Cute. It was a great show this year, especially the ‘Nightshift’ infrared cameras after midnight, which have regularly featured the antics of badgers. It has had better viewing figures than the Big Brother live feed. I hope the BBC Springwatch swallows

Strange grey blur and circles on photographs

These are three photographs that I took on 11 February 2004 at about 6pm. At the time I thought they were rather odd and sent them to a few friends. Now it seems that other people have experienced strange circles and ‘orbs’ on digital images, so I thought I would publish them with some information.