Flowplayer version 3 loses the plot

For a while I’ve been using a nice free Flash web player on my site: Flowplayer. With a bit of fairly simple HTML code, magical things could happen.

Brightcove plugs the plug — the first of many?

Video hosting company Brightcove has pulled the plug on its free service. Users who don’t want to cough up for paid video hosting have until 17 December before their videos disappear. I believe this is just the beginning. In the current economic climate, many free services will close.

Ill with stress

We hear lots about stress in the workplace. When you’re effectively ‘trapped’ in a job and can’t escape the cause of the stress, it’s a terrible thing. But recently I’ve discovered that stress can creep up on you slowly and unexpectedly.

Does PETA know about Russell Brand’s sick stage act involving dead animals?

Sacked Former Radio 2 presenter Russell Brand appears on the cover of the latest edition of a vegetarian starter kit that is produced by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The Guardian reports that PETA has refused to replace him in response to angry calls and emails following the BBC obscene ‘phone calls Does PETA know about Russell Brand’s sick stage act involving dead animals?