
Just to put the swine flu scare into perspective…

The media likes to talk about how millions died in the 1918 influenza pandemic. It’s true, but most deaths were in third world countries and unfortunately the same may happen this time. When you look at the facts

Feast! Picnic by the lake – clips from 2008 (video)

Feast! is one of the best summer events in Manchester. It happens over three days around the lake in Platt Fields Park in Rusholme. You can take along a picnic and enjoy a wide range of performances and other fun. Best of all it’s completely free. Here’s a clip from last year.

Conditional server side includes and cookies

I can’t write PHP or Javascript. I could learn, but I don’t have much interest. Most of my websites are good old-fashioned static HTML and I use server-side-includes a lot. I thought I would write, in simple terms, about some of ways I’ve used them.