Print journalists learn to use video

The Guardian looks at how print journalists are beginning to use video and asks whether web video could mean a new ‘golden age’ for newspapers.

Free books

Project Gutenberg has 20,000 free out-of-copyright books online. Page By Page Books is also worth a visit.

Sunday nights on BBC2

For me, the last three Sunday nights on BBC2 have been must-see television. The latest three part documentary by Adam Curtis: The Trap. Followed by Kombat Opera Presents.

Posterior Vitreous Detachment

A week ago yesterday I awoke to find I had a large black ‘floater’ in my right eye. It was like a daddy-long-legs at a window. As I moved my eye, it leapt around — sometimes in the opposite direction. It was disturbing… But I wear contact lenses and I thought maybe I had a Posterior Vitreous Detachment

Iraq war has cost every person in Britain £88

The illegal invasion and war in Iraq has cost every person in Britain (all sixty million of us) £88 each. ‘The figures were released as MPs protested about the plight of Britain’s NHS hospitals’: The Independent.

Fallen trees removed — finally

On 18 January, six trees blew over in the park near where I live. Some of them blocked one of the main paths into the park.

Low-paying employers

The unemployed are a favourite target for government ministers and tabloid headline-writers. But, strangely, unscrupulous business-owners rarely get a mention.