
Conditional server side includes and cookies

I can’t write PHP or Javascript. I could learn, but I don’t have much interest. Most of my websites are good old-fashioned static HTML and I use server-side-includes a lot. I thought I would write, in simple terms, about some of ways I’ve used them.

LGBT History Month: the 1960s BBC TV series Robinson Crusoe, Lee Payant and Gordon Heath

It’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month. If you grew up in Britain in the 1960s or 1970s then you probably remember the 13-part series Robinson Crusoe on BBC Television. This French production was shown many times between 1965 and the early 1980s, often during school holidays. Featuring handsome Robert Hoffman, people remember the programme LGBT History Month: the 1960s BBC TV series Robinson Crusoe, Lee Payant and Gordon Heath

Does PETA know about Russell Brand’s sick stage act involving dead animals?

Sacked Former Radio 2 presenter Russell Brand appears on the cover of the latest edition of a vegetarian starter kit that is produced by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The Guardian reports that PETA has refused to replace him in response to angry calls and emails following the BBC obscene ‘phone calls Does PETA know about Russell Brand’s sick stage act involving dead animals?