
Keys copied from photos on Flickr

‘At a computer conference in Alexandria, Virginia, Stefan Savage, a computer security expert who led the “Sneakey” project, surfed the photo-sharing website Flickr and found pictures that clearly showed peoples’ keys, even if personal information in the shots had been blurred out. In one demonstration, the team cut duplicate keys after analysing images taken on Keys copied from photos on Flickr

MP fights for photographers’ rights

Labour Member of Parliament Austin Mitchell, a photographer himself, has tabled an early day motion supporting the rights of people who take pictures in public places.

What is a ‘professional’ camera?

It makes me laugh to see articles on photo websites and in magazines that say a particular camera is for professionals and some other camera is just for enthusiasts or amateurs. Photo mags are all about selling you expensive equipment. The sad thing is that people are led to believe they can’t be creative unless What is a ‘professional’ camera?

Photographers seen as ‘potential criminals’

‘Photographers are increasingly being viewed as potential criminals by police, according to the Bureau of Freelance Photographers (BFP), which has reported a rise in complaints from members.’ Read more.