
The Manchester Pride 2007 website

The website for Manchester Pride 2007 is up. In the past year, the Charity Commission has told Operation Fundraiser and Manchester Pride that they must be more open with the public about where money goes and how they account for the income.

Tony Blair appears on Big Brother

A Rory Bremner sketch on YouTube. Davina: You’ve been in there a long time. Blair: Ten years, yeah. Davina: So have you any idea what’s been going on in the outside world?

Kentucky Fried Cruelty (video)

Pamela Anderson introduces this shocking video. Some chickens raised for Kentucky Fried Chicken face cruelty from birth to painful death. More info here. Contains upsetting scenes. The Sunday Mirror wrote this article about the hideous conditions in Britain. A growing number of people are boycotting chains such as KFC until they improve animal welfare.

Malicious theft of video

Within a few hours of me uploading my video about the Naked Bike Ride to YouTube, someone had uploaded it to a video-sharing site.

Sackville Park village fete (video)

Sunday afternoon was the final day of the Queer Up North arts festival and a village fete was held in Sackville Park. There was a cake judging competition, stalls and a great punch and judy show.