Cruising crackdown prompts call for a ‘tolerance zone’

The police and Manchester City Council have announced the latest ‘crackdown’ on cruising in the city’s canal area. The Lesbian and Gay Foundation has promoted this in an article on its website, listing the various jail sentences that cruisers might incur (supposedly).

The other Pat Karney

Pat Karney is the Director of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati. Mr Karney is also a member of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies and spokesman for them. He should not be confused with our beloved Manchester Labour councillor of the same name.

Right-wingers stoke Islamophobia in Longsight churchyard planning mystery

Latest (25 March 2010): a video of my visit to the site today. This shows the current situation and casts further doubt on the claims of ‘desecration’. As church attendance figures have plummeted over the decades many buildings have been saved by being converted to a different use. One old church on Dickenson Road in Right-wingers stoke Islamophobia in Longsight churchyard planning mystery