
The end of investigative journalism?

Every call made, email sent and website visited is now being logged under new regulations and automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) tracks the movement of vehicles. Investigative journalist Duncan Campbell thinks that the ‘truly dangerous’ moment will come when the police and security services are able to monitor journies in real time. Read more at The The end of investigative journalism?

Photographers seen as ‘potential criminals’

‘Photographers are increasingly being viewed as potential criminals by police, according to the Bureau of Freelance Photographers (BFP), which has reported a rise in complaints from members.’ Read more.

Caribbean Carnival targeted with policing costs

Since 2004 Manchester has had two Caribbean Carnivals. The one in July that has run for decades is now ignored by Manchester City Council. Go to the Council information centre and they will actually deny that there are two Caribbean Carnivals in Manchester each year.