
Vaughn Lowery ad (video)

Famous across America for being the KMart Joe Boxer underwear guy, now Vaughn Lowery has done a great ad for the Houston Chronicle. More KMart/Joe Boxer ads featuring Vaughn here and here. How long before we see this talented guy on British TV?

Video-recorder switches TV channel?

Have you ever experienced that annoying situation where, every time you press ‘play’ or ‘stop’ on your video player, it switches the television from the AV input to a TV channel? Sometimes it can be a real pain in the bum when, for example, you’re rewinding a tape and want to see the onscreen counter.

g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007

UPDATE (October 2008): this podcast has ‘retired’ into the archives. I’ve left the production notes below. Chris joins me to talk about: * Queer Up North: Europe’s leading queer arts festival which starts here in Manchester in the next few days, with events throughout May. * Peter Tatchell * Our show Bargain Hunters: why we g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007

Posterior Vitreous Detachment — update

A surprising number of people have found my blog when searching for ‘posterior vitreous detachment’, after I wrote about what had happened to me. So I thought I would do an update. I’ll tell you up front that it is relatively good news.

My Richard and Judy experience

Channel Four is in the news again over yet another possible scam. This time involving the You Say We Pay quiz on the Richard and Judy programme.

Rushes: high winds in Manchester (video)

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Posts that begin with the word ‘rushes’ contain unedited footage, tests, bloopers and experiments. In this case the footage is pretty much unedited with some captions added. It runs for 9 mins, which may be too long unless you have a particular interest in this subject!

Britain was hit by high winds today and here in the north-west they reached 100 miles per hour. I’ve lived on the 8th floor for more than seven years and have never felt the building shake in the wind the way it did today.

Sadly we lost six more mature trees in the park close to where I live. Some of them forty years old. Four appeared to have gone down like dominos.

In the city centre various streets had been closed off due to falling debris.


In 1970, Britain was suffering power cuts across the country, caused by industrial action. The days and times of the cuts varied each week. I remember having to do my homework by candlelight.