How to live 40% longer?

Scientists believe that a reduction in calorie intake by 60 per cent of normal, while maintaining a healthy diet of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, could prolong our lives by up to 40 per cent. The Telegraph.

Bye bye Operation Fundraiser

The Manchester Pride website reports that Operation Fundraiser will be ‘will be hanging up its buckets’ this year.

In the news

Good manners to be taught in schools Scientists demand inquiry over Wi-Fi Birds and bees are hit by phone waves Britain becoming a Big Brother society, says data watchdog April was the hottest in 350 years Online sales ‘will hit £78bn’ Deluge of complaints on minimum wage abuse

Video-recorder switches TV channel?

Have you ever experienced that annoying situation where, every time you press ‘play’ or ‘stop’ on your video player, it switches the television from the AV input to a TV channel? Sometimes it can be a real pain in the bum when, for example, you’re rewinding a tape and want to see the onscreen counter.

g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007

UPDATE (October 2008): this podcast has ‘retired’ into the archives. I’ve left the production notes below. Chris joins me to talk about: * Queer Up North: Europe’s leading queer arts festival which starts here in Manchester in the next few days, with events throughout May. * Peter Tatchell * Our show Bargain Hunters: why we g7ukTalk: 27 April 2007