gay village

Council plans to build stainless steel and glass ‘safety fence’ along Canal Street

Perhaps you thought you’d seen every half-baked, damaging, badly-thought out planning decision that Manchester City Council could come up with or approve for the gay village area? It allowed ugly modern buildings to go up next to Victorian warehouses on Canal Street, replaced the cast-iron bridge with a concrete one, gave the go ahead for Council plans to build stainless steel and glass ‘safety fence’ along Canal Street

The Rembrandt’s connection with the moors murders

Note: be sure to read the extended comments below too. In his talk on Tuesday, Ray Gosling mentioned something that I’d heard before. Namely that ‘moors murderer’ Ian Brady met his final victim, 17-year-old Edward Evans, in the Rembrandt Hotel.

The ‘Pink Peak’ minority

Increasingly, it seems to me that life may have improved for a narrow segment of the UK lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) population, but not for the majority. In some ways, for a large proportion of us things are worse now than they were 15-20 years ago.

Sackville Park village fete (video)

Sunday afternoon was the final day of the Queer Up North arts festival and a village fete was held in Sackville Park. There was a cake judging competition, stalls and a great punch and judy show.