manchester pride

Interview with Julia Grant (video)

A 70-minute interview with legendary Manchester gay village business woman Julia Grant. A decade ago, Julia Grant was one of the best-known business owners in Manchester’s gay village and an outspoken voice in both the LGBT and mainstream media. After Mardi Gras 1999 raised nothing at all for good causes, she ran the successful and Interview with Julia Grant (video)

Wynnie LaFreak delivers a letter on behalf of the Facebook group ‘Facts about Manchester Pride’ (video)

In the absence of any official public forums or public meetings, we set up a group on Facebook to discuss the facts and changes people would like to see at Manchester Pride. The questions were put in a letter and on Friday 8th April 2011 Manchester’s premier drag queen Wynnie LaFreak delivered it to Pride Wynnie LaFreak delivers a letter on behalf of the Facebook group ‘Facts about Manchester Pride’ (video)

A Freedom of Information request reveals how much Manchester City Council gives to, and charges, Manchester Pride

You can see full details of the FOI request here. As you can see, even if we ignore the thousands of pounds that are charged for removal of rubbish, in four out of the last six years the City Council has clawed back in charges more than it gave the event. It gives with one A Freedom of Information request reveals how much Manchester City Council gives to, and charges, Manchester Pride

Manchester Pride parade 2010 (video)

The first part of last Saturday’s Manchester Pride parade. I’ll put up the rest when I have time. Editing and encoding long clips takes ages!